
Quality Lumber Products

Sourced from Sustainably Managed and Certified Forest

Meet Our Organization

Meet Our Organization

White River Forest Products LP (WRFP) is a partnership that operates a random length sawmill in Northwestern Ontario. Located in White River, Ontario, the mill, known for its quality lumber, is a community-based venture between the Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert First Nation), the White River EDC, and private investors.

Please read our Bill S211 Annual Report for the 2023 financial reporting year


Our Values

We are a community based venture building its own future….Our mission is to be a profitable, low-cost forestry organization, converting forest resources into competitive and innovative quality projects while protecting the environment and creating positive long term social, cultural and economic benefits for the region and its people, employees and shareholders.


Our Operations

The White River sawmill complex is centrally located within the White River Sustainable Forest License (SFL) area, and is known for its ability to produce high quality lumber products sourced from forests in the local and surrounding region. Our objective is to produce approximately 150 million board feet of FSC certified Random Length, stud and value added products.


Our Community

We are committed to supporting the communities in which we operate. We believe that an essential component of our social and organizational responsibility is to provide charitable support to local organizations, demonstrating a commitment to community growth and betterment. We consider both monetary and in-kind donation requests from local organizations.

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